And this is the story of how I thought myself unworthy of anything good and extraordinary. It is the story of how I could not comprehend God's decision to use me. God must be mistaken,He sure ought to have a better and brilliant option! I would constantly wonder and question WHY- Why this short, dark, slim and fair little girl with a questionable paternity? Interestingly, He not only wants to use me for One thing! But a few…
God why not visit people who are stronger? They have all the credibility, they would sufficiently fit for your task, I'll just pass on this one Lord because I don't think I'm fit. I love the way I am, I just want to be the cool, easy- going girl, minding my business. And my rattling goes on and on.
Little did I know that in fact, God takes pleasure in using the very foolish and unseemingly useful things of this world to make His Block Buster Statement.
Before I go on, I would quickly like to share a friend's story with you. You see this friend is so dear to me because our story is quite similar and profound.
My dear friend Gideon is from a little town and just like me is an easy - going fellow who stayed low and avoided every kind of trouble until this spectacular visit by a Supernatural Being. And thus came the big announcement, that my friend would be taking on a very, I mean very big task. You can imagine the kind of expression on Gideon's face. "How on earth do you expect me to do this?" was his response. Oh my friend gave all sorts of excuse wanting to make this Supernatural Being see how incompetent he is for the task. But it seems Providence had made Its choice and there's no going back! Oh lucky Gideon, he doesn't have a choice now.
Let me mention that my friend's incompetence was no news or shock to this spectacular visitor. Surprised? Yes, because provision had already been made to empower & equip Him in order that he could carry out his task(purpose).
Isn't this mind blowing. Yaay! Now I have my question answered. I don't have to be perfect before He uses me, neither do I have to be the ideal candidate- If he has chosen to love me and use me the way I am then it implies that he would equip me with all I need! lf that's the case then I choose to receive this precious gift of grace with all gratitude.
And this is how I have learned to become grateful for being the chosen, for the abundant graciousness of my Lord towards me. He sees and knows how much investment He has put in me and would never allow it go down the drain.
Now, here is how I respond to His call. I hope this would be your response too when next God( purpose) comes calling.